Keynotes & Workshops

Stress Busters!
What drives you up the wall? Where are the pressure points in your life? The secret to de-stressing isn’t just about opening release-valves to relieve the pressure – it’s also about integrating simple choice-oriented strategies so that your confidence, health, and happiness aren’t held hostage by the nefarious effects of stress in the first place. Lana shares simple keys that unlock your natural vigour and enthusiasm. Experience on-the-spot renewal, energy, and relaxation – today and every day.
Invite Lana to show you how to:
- Boost natural resilience through physical and mindful practices;
- Strengthen relationship connections;
- Celebrate life every day in every way.
Celebrate Life
In her signature keynote, Life Celebration Expert Lana Asuchak shines light on the path to whole-hearted health and resilience. Health is wealth, and she wants you to start experiencing a richly fulfilling and regret-free life right now. Resilience allows you to experience the full impact of life – the highs and lows, its ebbs and flows – and still choose gratitude and happiness. In a time when we hold onto familiar fear and run away from what makes us real, Lana upholds resilience as a way to celebrate everything that Life is. You will connect with Lana’s personal stories and be inspired to lean into your own brilliant life.
K.I.S.S. Your Excuses Good-Bye
Falling short of your goals is a thing of the past. The physical life-distractors and mental goal-derailers that hold you back don’t stand a chance. Motivational Speaker Lana Asuchak shares how to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple) in transforming your inner dialogue and creating the healthy, whole-hearted lifestyle you want. For every one of your “I can’ts”, Lana fires back with a hundred super simple ways YOU CAN. Those are winning odds of 100-to-1!
Embrace your whole-hearted lifestyle with:
- Powerful self-talk and the skills to counter resistance;
- Clarified intentions and lifestyle strategies that are SMARTT - Specific, Measurable, Accountable, RESONANT, Timely, THRILLING;
- Body-happy moves that connect body and heart.
Lana’s stories will inspire you to reconnect with your Bigger Picture so that you are better positioned to discover more, succeed more, and celebrate more. Look your smooch-worthy life in the eye and K.I.S.S. those old excuses good-bye!
Eating for Energy
How hungry are you for more? More energy, more happiness, and more fulfillment? Our greatest wealth is our health. Our health is not only sustained by our food choices, it is also either nourished or starved through what we believe and what we choose on a daily basis. Lana Asuchak shares the inside scoop on how to keep your energy and motivational fuel gauges in the black by recognizing and acting on nutritional and lifestyle choices that boost health and creativity in every aspect of your life. Imagine everything that is possible when your body, mind, heart, and soul are fuelled-up and renewed. Second helpings of vitality, anyone? Yes, please!
Building Energy Workshop
Half-day (3-4 hours) or Full-day (6 hours)
More than a time crunch, we face a personal energy crisis! Sleep disturbances, lack of physical activity, and poor food choices based on convenience take their toll on our lifestyle quality and health. Lana Asuchak believes our energy levels shape our perspectives - when we feel “blah”, our worldview seems “blah”, too. The risk becomes higher when we allow our natural resilience to falter. Chronic physical and mental stress has become linked more and more to disease.
In this half- or full-day workshop, Lana helps participants to reconnect with their bigger picture and to break it down into easy chunks filled with fun, inspiration, and results. You will develop a Lifestyle Plan that is easily-implemented, healthy, choice-oriented, and personally-relevant. Learn how to fuel your energy-boosters and to counter your energy-depleters. Your Lifestyle Plan guides you with practical, results-oriented steps that enhance and sustain personal energy levels, and lead to greater fulfillment at work, at home, and at play.
Your Lifestyle Plan
After participating in this workshop, you will:
- Understand how food fuels your body and mind - Perform at peak mental and physical efficiency to balance your natural energy highs and lows throughout the day;
- Know which nutrition choices yield the biggest bang for each bite - What are the good carbohydrates? The importance of protein at every meal. The positive roles of fat and water;
- Experience how expending energy generates more energy – Learn super simple moves that improve your cardio, strength, and flexibility;
- Differentiate between the truths and myths about “energy”;
- Understand motivation and commitment to a high-vitality lifestyle - what affects them and how to sustain them;
- Learn how to refocus your intentions, de-stress, and reconnect with what it means to “slow down and smell the roses” (a.k.a., see the bigger picture);
Benefits To The Organization
It seems that fatigue is taking over our nation and people are experiencing low energy levels at all times of the day. We are having difficulty sleeping, not making time for physical activity, and making food choices based on ease versus quality. All of this leads to our "stressed out" and "low energy" society. Having energetic employees will benefit any organization. It has been proven that improved energy levels will have the following positive benefits:
- An increase in work productivity
- Less sick days to illness
- A more positive attitude and a more positive self-image leading to a more positive workplace
- Increased alertness that could decrease employee errors
- Increased stress resiliency
Bonus To Your Team and/or Organization
Energized team members are important contributors to an organization’s success. Improved energy levels are proven to bring the following benefits:
- Greater alertness, work productivity, and work accuracy due to better mental focus and agility;
- Increased stress resiliency.
- Fewer sick days due to illness;
- A more positive attitude and better self-image leading to a more positive workplace;